Borghaei H, Langer C, Gadgeel S, et al. Updated results from KEYNOTE-021 cohort G: A randomized, phase 2 study of pemetrexed and carboplatin (PC) with or without pembrolizumab (pembro) as first-line therapy for advanced nonsquamous NSCLC. ESMO 2017 Congress; abstract LBA49. ,Langer CJ, Gadgeel S, Borghaei H, et al. Randomized, phase 2 study of carboplatin and pemetrexed with or without pembrolizumab as first-line therapy for advanced NSCLC: KEYNOTE-021 cohort G. ESMO 2017 Congress; abstract LBA46_PR.
Gepersonaliseerde autologe neoantigeenspecifieke T-celtherapie bij gemetastaseerd melanoom
mrt 2025 | Dermato-oncologie, Immuuntherapie