Fehrenbacher L, Cecchini RS, Geyer CE, et al. Phase III randomized trial comparing adjuvant chemotherapy with adriamycin (A) and cyclophosphamide (C) → weekly paclitaxel (WP), or docetaxel (T) and C with or without a year of trastuzumab (H) in women with node-positive or high-risk node-negative invasive breast cancer (IBC) expressing HER2 staining intensity of IHC 1+ or 2+ with negative FISH (HER2-Low IBC). SABCS 2017, GS1-02.
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apr 2023 | Borstkanker, Bot en wekedelentumoren, Dermato-oncologie, Gynaecologische oncologie, Hoofd-halsoncologie, Immuuntherapie, Longoncologie, Maag-darm-leveroncologie, Neuro-oncologie, Uro-oncologie