This course on flow cytometry is designed for all healthcare professionals involved in the diagnosis and management of patients with CTCL. The aim is to support the greater understanding of the multicompartmental nature of mycosis fungoides (MF) and Sézary syndrome (SS), and the value of flow cytometry immunophenotyping to accurately assess the disease and inform treatment decisions.
The following topics will be discussed:
- CTCL pathophysiology
- Diagnosis and staging in MF and SS
- Prognostic factors in MF and SS
- Principles of flow cytometry immunophenotyping
- Flow cytometry immunophenotyping in MF and SS
- Clinical decisions and the role of blood involvement
Meer informatie is alleen toegankelijk voor abonnees die voorschrijfbevoegd zijn.
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Dr. Safa Najidh, Dermatology, Leiden University Medical Centre
This e-learning is ± 60 minutes.
Accreditated for 1 point under ID number 559401 by:
- NVDV, valid until 14-7-2026.
- NIV, valid until 14-9-2026.
Dermatologists and hematologists.
Educational grant by
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