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A guide for specialists working with immunotherapies.
Learning goals
After completing this course you are able to better understand immnoscience. This module offers the basics on immunology, focused on medical specialist who are interested in / working with immunotherapy.
The first chapter of this course will help you understand how the immune system works
- The difference between adaptive and innate immunity
- How immune cells communicate
- What the relevance of cytokines is
The second chapter will provide more detail on the innate immunity
- What are the key players in innate immune response?
- Role of toll-like receptors
The third chapter focuses on the adaptive immunity; B-cells
- Specificity and memory
- Antigen recognition & immune response
- Role of B-cells
The fourth chapter will go into more detail on the adaptive immunity: T-cells
- Role of T-lymphocytes
- Functions of CD-4 and CD-8
- Major histocompatibility complex
After completing this course, you can take an exam in order to receive your accreditation points.
Prof. dr. Pierre Coulie, de Duve Institute UCL
- Overview of the immune system and its key players
- Innate immune response
- Adaptive immune response with a focus on B cells and antibodies
- Adaptive immune response with a focus on T cells and their role in immunotherapies
- Final exam
Accreditation ( 1 point) has been granted by NVALT (until 27-05-2020), NVVP and St. KNO (until 17-05-2020), NVU (until 6-6-2020) and VSR (until 20-05-2019). Accredition is being requested at NVMDL, NIV and NVZA.
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