Neurologie in tijden van COVID-19

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Hoewel er nog veel onbekend is over de mogelijke neurologische complicaties van COVID-19, de risico’s van het coronavirus voor patiënten met neurologische aandoeningen en de gevolgen voor de behandeling, verschijnen er steeds meer publicaties over deze onderwerpen. Hieronder een selectie uit de wetenschappelijke tijdschriften:

Large-Vessel Stroke as a Presenting Feature of Covid-19 in the Young
Bron: NEJM

An Italian programme for COVID-19 infection in multiple sclerosis
Bron: The Lancet Neurology

Miller Fisher Syndrome and polyneuritis cranialis in COVID-19
Bron: Neurology

Keeping people with epilepsy safe during the Covid-19 pandemic
Bron: Neurology

Neurologic manifestations in an infant with COVID-19
Bron: Neurology

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 Crisis as Catalyst for Telemedicine for Chronic Neurological Disorders
Bron: JAMA Neurology

The COVID-19 pandemic and the use of MS disease-modifying therapies
Bron: Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders

Neurologic Features in Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Bron: NEJM

The Spectrum of Neurologic Disease in the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Pandemic Infection
Bron: JAMA Neurology

Looking ahead: The risk of neurologic complications due to COVID-19
Bron: Neurology

Neurologic Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Wuhan, China
Bron: JAMA Neurology

Neurologic complications of coronavirus infections
Bron: Neurology

Preparing a neurology department for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19): Early experiences at Columbia University Irving Medical Center and the New York Presbyterian Hospital in New York City
Bron: Neurology

Caring for patients with pain during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Consensus recommendations from an international expert panel
Bron: Anaesthesia

Ethics in the time of COVID: What remains the same and what is different
Bron: Neurology

On being a neurologist in Italy at the time of the COVID-19 outbreak
Bron: Neurology

COVID-19 is catalyzing the adoption of teleneurology
Bron: Neurology

Dementia care during COVID-19
Bron: The Lancet

Treating multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic
Bron: Neurology

Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
Bron: The Lancet Neurology

Neurologists and Covid-19: A note on courage in a time of uncertainty
Bron: Neurology

Novel coronavirus and central nervous system
Bron: European Journal of Neurology

Preliminary Recommendations for Surgical Practice of Neurosurgery Department in the Central Epidemic Area of 2019 Coronavirus Infection.
Bron: Current Medical Science

Plaats nieuwe anti-epileptica bij behandeling nieuw-gediagnosticeerde epilepsie bij ouderen

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MR CLEAN studie wint Wetenschaps- en Innovatieprijs 2017

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Langetermijnuitkomsten na stamceltransplantatie bij MS

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Verstoorde balans tussen hersennetwerken bij mensen met MS met cognitieve problemen

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Ontwikkeling depressie en dementie bij cerebral small vessel disease

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Op zoek naar gerichte behandeling ALS en MS

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