Positieve schildwachtklierbiopsie bij het melanoom; opereren of observeren?

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  1. Morton DL, Hoon DS, Cochran AJ, et al. Lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymphadenectomy for early-stage melanoma: therapeutic utility and implications of nodal microanatomy and molecular staging for improving the accuracy of detection of nodal micrometastases. Ann Surg. 2003;238:538-49.,Morton DL, Thompson JF, Cochran AJ, et al. Final trial report of sentinel-node biopsy versus nodal observation in melanoma. N Engl J Med. 2014;370:599-609.,Balch CM, Gershenwald JE, Soong SJ, el al. Final version of 2009 AJCC melanoma staging and classification. J Clin Oncol. 2009; 27:6199-206.,Faries MB, Thompson JF, Cochran A, et al. The impact on morbidity and length of stay of early versus delayed complete lymphadenectomy in melanoma: results of the Multicenter Selective Lymphadenectomy Trial (I). Ann Surg Oncol. 2010;17:3324-9.,Faries MB, Thompson JF, Cochran AJ, et al. Completion Dissection or Observation for Sentinel-Node Metastasis in Melanoma. N Engl J Med. 2017;376:2211-22.,Damude S, Hoekstra-Weebers JEHM, Leeuwen BL, Hoekstra HJ. Melanoma patients disease specific knowledge, information preference and appreciation of educational you tube videos for selfinspection. EJSO 2017; in press

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