ERA in RED 2024

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MedNet introduces the very first dinner meeting for Belgian nephrologists on Saturday evening 25th of May in Stockholm during the European Renal Association (ERA) congress.

For the past decade the ‘ORANGE’ meetings have become well known amongst the Dutch healthcare professionals attending conferences abroad. This unique gathering is a great opportunity to get together with colleagues after a conference day for dinner in an informal setting and discuss the latest developments relevant to Belgium.

MedNet now introduces this concept to Belgium with an interesting program and impressive lineup of experts.


Prof. dr. Karl Martin Wissing

Head of Nephrology
UZB Brussels

Prof. dr. Agnieszka Pozdzik

Chief of Clinic (Nephrology and Dialysis)
CHU Brugmann, ULB Brussels

Dr. Concetta Catalano

Erasmus Hospital, HUB Brussels

Date and location

Saturday May 25th 2024 from 18.00 – 21.45 hrs in Berns Hotel (Spegelsalen) Stockholm.


This meeting is intended for nephrologists. The number of places is limited. The organization therefore reserves the right to give practicing nephrologists priority over doctors in training, scientific researchers and interested parties with another function.

Free entrance

Participation is free of charge.


Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. After registration a confirmation will be sent per e-mail. Practical information will be sent approximately 10 days in advance. Participants who can no longer be placed will receive notification.

Contact information

Springer Healthcare
T: 030 638 36 38


This meeting is sponsored by multiple parties, of which include:


  • Privacy terms

    As part of GDPR, Springer complies with the laws and regulations as set by this law. The applicable privacy policy can be found here: Springer Healthcare.

Find the complete list of courses on MedNet here

Prof. dr. Karl Martin Wissing

Head of Nephrology
UZB Brussels

Prof. dr. Agnieszka Pozdzik

Chief of Clinic (Nephrology and Dialysis)
CHU Brugmann, ULB Brussels

Dr. Concetta Catalano

Erasmus Hospital, HUB Brussels

18.00 hrs

Start with welcome drink

18.30 hrs

Welcome and Introduction by Chairman
Prof. dr. Karl Martin Wissing and first course

18.45 hrs

Treatment of Obesity in Kidney Transplant Waiting List Patients
Dr. Concetta Catalano

19.30 hrs

Main course

19.45 hrs

Innovation in the Treatment of Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1
Dr. Agnieszka Pozdzik

20.30 hrs

Dessert, coffee and tea

20.45 hrs

Treatment of IgA Nephropathy: Current State of the Art and a Call for New Guidelines
Prof. dr. Karl Martin Wissing

21.30 hrs

Conclusion and Summary by Chairman

21.45 hrs

End program

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